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首页  »  喜剧片  »  冬青之血
  Javi, a perfectly ordinary teenager with a perfectly ordinary life, who has no reason to suspect that his crush on classmate Sara might be reciprocated. She only has eyes for the lurid literary saga HollyBlood, about to get its own big-screen adaptation. Nevertheless, Javi is determined to tell her how he feels. Through a string of unanticipated events and misunderstandings, Sara comes to believe that her suitor is in possession of supernatural powers. While battling his own guilt over the deception, Javi also has to contend with the school bully, Sara’s opinionated best friend and a Van Helsing obsessive fixated on hunting vampires. Unbeknownst to them all, an ancient evil stalks their school, preparing a new attack and forcing them to make a choice: will they overcome their differences and fight side by side, or will they succumb to the most powerful vampire the world has ever known?